1. Material for dialysis,
2. Different containers and capacities,
3. Surgical waste,
4. Waste from focus of infection,
5. Unrecognizable post-surgical anatomical parts,
6. Glass (bottles, vials),
7. Diapers.
8. Cellulose and synthetic material,
9. Small metallic tool (syringe needles, lancets, scalpels,razors).
Advantages of NEWSTER over other utilization facilities:
• Waste reduction for 75%, mass for 30% ,
• Excludes daily waste disposal of categories B,V from medical and prevention facility,
• Provides full recycling on-site,
• Excludes emergence and spread of hospital infection and transmission of infection and viruses out of medical and prevention facility.
• Doesn’t require preliminary disinfection,
• Saves finances expendable for disinfectant and transport,
• Economical in exploitation,
• Obtained product - dry, sterile mass which can be kept and stored in a spearate room,
• Easily mounted, exploited and served,
• Has a high level of operational safety,
• Doesn’t require any supportive construction (foundation and etc.)
• Manufacturing process doesn’t have any indirect wastes polluting air, water or soil.
• Management, control and registration of all the stages of manufacturing process is done by Siemens computer system.
• A brand new step in the sphere of health safety and hygiene of both patients and workers of medical and prevention facilities. Newster utilizer is designed for recycyling of solid waste within the conditions of atmospheric pressure and high temperature in humid environment.