+7 (7172) 24-85-00 +7 (701) 961-72-49

A set of reagents for detecting the mRNA of the PRKAG3 gene and determining the level of its expression by double-stage RT-PCR-RV (Simple Test)



  «Prosta-test» (PCA3) is designed for non-invasive diagnostics of the prostate cancer by determination of the level of PCA3 gene expression with the help of the reverse transcription method and further quantitative polymerase chain reaction (PCR).

Samples of fresh or fixed in the environment for stabilization and preservation of PHK urinary sediment derived after prostatic massage which contributes to the absence of invasiveness serve as material for PCR execution.

Results of "Prosta-test" (PCA3) analysis expressed quantatively points at the risk of patient's having prostate cancer and may also with the determination of the prostatic specific antigen in the blood, results of USI (Transrectal USI), MRT, CT and digital rectal investigation of prostate serve as the extra criteria in prescribing the first or repeated biopsy of the prostatic gland to the patient.

Sets of "Prosta-Test" reagents are produced in two variants:

1) «Prosta-Test-12» for 12 definitions;

2) «Prosta-Test-24» for 24 definitions.

Set of reagents consists of combined set of reagents:

- set for execution of reverse transcription reaction RT «Prosta-Test» ;

- set for execution of PCR amplification PCR "Prosta-Test".