+7 (7172) 24-85-00 +7 (701) 961-72-49

Набор для идентификации гена резус-фактора (RHD) плода в крови матери "Тест-RHD плюс"


Set for the fetal rhesus-factor (RHD) identification in the mother’s blood - «RHD plus test» from the 10-th week of pregnancy. Results are intended for obstetrician-gynaecologists working with pregnant women with rhesus-negative.


Non-invasive diagnostics - analysis through mother's blood

Reaction completion time – 90 minutes

Test performance from the 10th ‹embryological» week

20% extra- volumes, altogether for 120 unit performances

In performing the whole bars – 200% extra-volume

3 exons allow to precisely determine the presence of the rhesus factor gene in circumstances of individually low concentration of fetal DNA, or in errors during DNA extraction